How to Design a Chinese Menu Using Templates

If you own a Chinese restaurant, you know the importance of having an aesthetically pleasing menu. A well-designed menu not only enhances the customer’s dining experience but also promotes your brand and helps increase sales. But designing a menu from scratch can be a confusing task, especially if you lack design skills.

The good news is that you can use Chinese menu templates to create a beautiful menu without having to start from scratch. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to design a Chinese menu using templates. With this knowledge, you can simplify your menu creation process and create a visually appealing menu that showcases your Chinese dishes in the best light possible.

How to Design a Chinese Menu Using Templates – Simple Steps Guide

Step 1: Search Menu Templates 

The first step is to search for “Chinese menu” templates on the PhotoADKing website. You can find a variety of restaurant menu templates available on the website.

search chinese menu template from  photoADKing

Step 2: Choose the Right Menu Template 

Once you have found the templates, you should choose the right one that suits your restaurant’s theme and style. You can select the template that matches your restaurant’s color scheme, font style, and overall design.

choose right chinese menu template from photoADKing

Step 3: Customize the Template 

After selecting the template, you can customize it to suit your needs. 

Add Your Logo and Branding

You can add your logo and branding to the menu template to give it a personalized touch. 

add logo and branding

Edit Fonts and Colors

Also, you can change the colors and fonts to use the top menu font styles that go with the theme of your business.

edit fonts
edit colors

Rearrange Sections and Items

Rearrange the sections and items to make the menu easy to read and navigate.

rearrange food section and item

Use High-Quality Images

Adding high-quality images of Chinese dishes can enhance the visual appeal of the menu.

use food images in chinese menu template

Step 4: Download and Save 

Once you have completed the customization process, you can download the final design in PDF, JPG, and PNG format and save it.

download and save menu template

Creative Chinese Menu Design Tips and Tricks

Keep It Simple and Organized

A Chinese menu can be overwhelming with a lot of dishes and options, so it’s essential to keep it simple and easy to navigate. Divide the menu into categories like appetizers, entrees, and desserts, and use a clear font to make it easy to read.

keep it simple chinese menu template

Use Mouth-watering Images

Using images of your dishes can help customers visualize what they’re ordering. Make sure the photos are high-quality and make the dishes look as delicious as possible.

use big images in templates

Offer Variety

Chinese cuisine has a vast range of flavors and styles, so make sure to offer a variety of dishes to cater to different tastes. You can include vegetarian and gluten-free options to accommodate customers with dietary restrictions.

more chinese food variety add in template

Be Creative With Language

Use creative language to describe dishes, such as “sizzling,” “crispy,” or “spicy.” This can help make the menu more exciting and engaging.

use creative language in template

Consider the Layout

The layout of the menu can impact how customers perceive your restaurant. Use a layout for a restaurant menu that is visually appealing and reflects the style of your restaurant. Consider using Chinese symbols or calligraphy to add authenticity.

use layout in chinese menu template

Don’t Overcrowd the Menu

Too much information can overwhelm customers. Keep the menu concise and only include necessary information.

simple and dark theme chinese menu template

Choose an Appropriate Color Scheme

Use red, gold, and other vibrant restaurant menu color scheme that is associated with good luck and prosperity in Chinese culture. Avoid using colors that clash or are too dull.

use vibrant color scheme in menu template

Consider Typography

Choose a font that is easy to read and complements the overall design of the menu. Avoid using fonts that are too fancy or difficult to read.

use typography in menu template

Make It Interactive

Consider adding interactive elements to your menu, such as QR codes that link to videos or social media pages. This can help to engage customers and make their dining experience more memorable.

interactive color menu template

Provide Descriptions

Provide detailed descriptions of each dish, including the ingredients, cooking style, and any special preparations. This will help customers make informed decisions and understand what they’re ordering.

Make It Easy to Order

Make it easy for customers to order by including a numbered system, so they can quickly reference the dish they want to order. Consider offering online ordering or mobile ordering to make it even more convenient for customers.


Designing a Chinese menu can be a daunting task, but using templates from a menu maker you can make the process much easier. With the right template and a few customization tweaks, you can create visually appealing and easy-to-navigate menu style ideas that reflect your restaurant’s branding.

Remember to choose a template that matches your restaurant’s branding, customize it to your liking, and keep your menu simple and focused. By following these restaurant menu tips, you’ll create a Chinese menu that entices customers and enhances their dining experience. So, why wait? Start designing your Chinese menu using templates today!

About Jay Raval

Jay Raval is an SEO executive with an understanding of digital marketing. His expertise in search engine optimization, as well as his knowledge of graphic design, allowed him to develop a unique perspective on design and its role in SEO. You can find Jay on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter.

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